Por-qué-elejir-a-la-Third-FacultyWe provide you with the opportunity to gain the prestigious Doctor of Medicine qualification at the Third Faculty of Medicine in Prague. Its six-year degree programme – taught in English – is open to international students from all over the world.

Why should you choose to study at this faculty?

  • The Third Faculty of Medicine is located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague is home to the Czech President, the Government and the Parliament as well as to a large number of foreign embassies. The city is served by strong road, rail and air networks, connecting Prague to all major cities in Europe and America.
  • The Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University introduced its medical degree programme in English for international students in the academic year 1991/1992. Close to one hundred students from Greece, Canada, Norway, USA, Germany and other countries have since graduated from this Faculty and are now working in Europe and North America.
  • The course structure underwent a radical reform in 1996/1997, making it unique in Central and Eastern Europe. It is based on the principles of integrated learning and problem-oriented instruction, meaning that students are in direct contact with patients from very early on. The medical degree is divided into three basic cycles: Cycle 1 (1st and 2nd year) – Basic Biomedical Sciences, which incorporates theoretical subjects into the following modules: Structure and Functions of the Human Body; Cell Biology and Genetics; Biophysics and Informatics; Methodology; Needs of Patients. Cycle 2 (3rd and 4th year) – Principles of Clinical Medicine, which consists of the following modules: Theoretical Foundations of Clinical Medicine; Clinical Propedeutics; Basic Clinical Problems; and a number of optional courses. Cycle 3 (5th and 6th year) – Clinical Preparation, which consists of the following modules: Internal Medicine; Surgery; Gynaecology and Obstetrics; Paediatrics and Preventive Medicine.
  • The teaching process is assessed by students on a regular basis. Students are involved in discussions about the framework and the objectives of the degree programme within the Faculty.
  • Czech language courses are provided for international students during the first, second and third year of the degree programme in order to make communication with patients easier. These lessons take place during cycles 1 and 2 of the curriculum and the price is included in the tuition fees. The basic philosophy of the Faculty is to promote teacher-student relations.
  • In the academic year 2002/2003 the Faculty introduced the “logbook”, a support tool aimed at helping students to understand the wide range of practical skills they have to acquire in the course of their studies. The idea of the logbook was conceived by the European initiative EUROSKILLS, which the Third Faculty of Medicine was involved in. The logbook ensures compatibility of the degree programmes offered at the Third Faculty of Medicine with those in other European countries.