If something is known about the University of Latvia, it is its desire to gain a worldwide reputation and to provide a high level of education for their students, which will create the best professionals within a system of interdisciplinary study. At this university, students do not only end their studies fully prepared as competent and qualified doctors or dentists, but they are also able to respond effectively to the wishes of their patients and act empathically with them during the performance of their tasks.

The decision about what, where and if to study, is one of the most important ones of a young adult, because this can affect the future of their life. One of the main premises of the university is that you should follow your dreams with this decision, because if you really want something really bad, you will be good at it. The University of Latvia is aware of the consequences of such decisions and the responsibility that lies behind it. Thus, it is important, from a technical point of view, to provide young people with years of optimal learning materials. In adittion, it is in those years when they make important contacts for their future profesional careers and friends for the rest of their life. In all stages of life you will remember your studies, and these memories should be characterized positively.

To make this possible, the students have the possibility to attend extracurricular courses from the beginning to broaden their training, such as participating in research projects or in laboratories and seminars, where they can continuously develop their knowledge and skills. They are always taught in small groups of students, which means that high-qualitity education is guaranteed. A good education brings out good medical practitioners.

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