The degree in Dentistry lasts 5 years (10 semesters). The degree programme has been carefully structured and designed to ensure that future Dental Surgeons have the highest standard of knowledge, skills and responsibility. In the first year, the programme focuses on basic medical sciences such as biophysics, biochemistry and genetics. In the second year, the scope of the programme broadens to include subjects such as anatomy, histology, physiology and behavioural sciences, which are important in the practice of dentistry. Students also study specialist dental subjects (such as odontology, preventive dentistry, dental materials and techniques) in the first and second years of the degree programme.

In the third year, students explore the theoretical foundations of diseases, such as pathology, pathophysiology and microbiology applied to dental sciences. In the same year, introductory courses (propedeutics) in clinical dentistry use laboratory demonstrations to introduce students to various dental procedures and techniques involved in the clinical treatment of patients.

In the fourth year, students come into contact with patients in the Clinical Practice Unit and other special clinical departments and are introduced to all clinical dentistry fields (prosthetic dentistry, periodontology, oral surgery, oral medicine and orthodontics). During the fourth and fifth years, students take responsibility for treating patients in small practice groups under the close supervision of teaching staff. Alongside these dental courses, students also study other clinical medical sciences as part of their degree programme.

At the end of the fifth year, dental students have to submit and defend a thesis and pass a final examination. Students who pass the examination and successfully defend their thesis are awarded the professional qualification of Doctor of Dental Medicine.