Pre-Medical Courses are aimed at providing the students with a sound base in science and English, so that they can ensure a correct adaptation to an European Faculty of Medicine.

Thus, these courses are recommended for the following profiles:

• Students who did not take science-related subjects at High School (Baccaurelate in Spain).

• Students whose command of English is not good.

• Students who want to strengthen their knowledge about the science-related subjects taught at High School.

• Students who wish to access the degree in Medicine in English and want to prepare the entrance examinations and the adaptation to the degree as well as possible.


N.B.: The Pre-Medical Courses offered by Donde Estudiar Medicina are optional for the students. Thus, it is not necessary to take this Preparation Course to access a degree in Medicine.

The course is taught in the Faculty of Medicine itself. The teaching staff is formed by doctors in Medicine, who teach the students of the degree in Medicine. The course has an university level, so it is not intended to review high school contents, but to prepare students for their future degree.

100% of our students who took this course gained admission into the wished Faculty of Medicine.

Academic calendar: The Pre-Medical course of Debrecen starts each September and ends in May.


Course content:

The students are taught in Englisgh.

• Medical English and Medical Terminology.

• General Chemistry.

• Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.

• Biology and Human Body (Anatomy).

• Medicine-oriented Physics.


* If you are interested in this course we will send to the academic programme.

* We can also inform you about other available Pre-Medical courses.

Access and registration: To access the Pre-Medical course of this University you will have to sit the entrance examination of the Faculty of Medicine of Debrecen, since it is the only way to get a place on this course. The studends who are not admitted in the degree in Medicine get a place in the Pre-Medical course. Direct registrations for the Pre-Medical course are not possible. Thus, to ensure your place, you will have to take the entrance examination. Ask us for more information about the access to this course.

N.B.: All those students of the Pre-Medical Course in Debrecen who complete the course will ensure a place in the degree in Medicine for the following academic year.